
Craniosacral Biodynamics Application Process

This professional training course is intended for practitioners in orthodox or complementary fields of medicine or therapy. Knowledge of anatomy and physiology is a prerequisite for admission. Experience in some form of body-oriented therapy is recommended. Places in the course are limited. An interview will be required if distance permits. Admission is at the discretion of the Teacher. Required

  • Submission of the application form for the training in Craniosacral Biodynamics
  • Practitioner Status in orthodox or complementary fields of medicine or therapy
  • A sound training in and knowledge of anatomy and physiology
  • At least two years professional practice in your own field
  • Training in, and appreciation of, practice management skills, standards of professional practice and professional code of ethics
  • An interview will be required

Highly Recommended

  • Experience in a body-oriented therapy form
  • Personal experience of Craniosacral Therapy
  • Experience of other holistic forms of therapy

Please see Training Application page.