
Lactation Support

Peggy offers Lactation Support to first-time mothers, as well as mothers who may have breastfeeding experience but are having difficulty presently.

Reading about latch-on basics and trying to translate text and pictures into what to do with your baby at your breast can be difficult. It’s much easier to have someone show you early on, before latch-on problems turn into sore nipples or problems with baby not getting enough milk. If your baby has difficulties with latch-on or sucking or has other health problems that complicate breastfeeding, seeing a lactation consultant can help you resolve these issues before you give up.

Breastfeeding should not hurt, if you have pain of any kind, please reach out for professional support. This is a time to bond with and enjoy your little one. If you are having any of the following please get in touch.


  • Poor/painful latch and position
  • Sore and damaged nipples
  • Low milk supply
  • Excessive supply/hyper-reactive let down
  • Lactose overload
  • Mastitis/yeast infections
  • Adoption/induced lactation
  • Surrogacy/pumping for newborn
  • Return to work
  • Baby-led weaning/introduction of complementary foods


  • Inability to latch
  • Tongue tie and sucking problems
  • Weightloss/inability to transfer milk
  • Supplementation with spoon, tube, SNS, or bottle
  • Crying/colic and reflux
  • Sleepy baby and jaundice
  • Failure to gain weight
  • Adoptive breastfeeding
  • Breastmilk bottle feeding

Craniosacral for Infants

Peggy has specialized training in diagnosing and treating lip and tongue ties in infants. Using Craniosacral Therapy, she can help your baby release the patterns of tension that sometimes accompany these issues and this will help them with breastfeeding as well as colic/reflux and digestive disorders. She can also help with torticollis, plagiocephaly, ear infections, lactation issues, failure to thrive, and developmental delays.

You may have noticed some of the following in your baby.

  1. Baby’s head or face looks uneven
  2. They like to tilt to one side more than the other
  3. The cranial molding from birth is still present days after birth
  4. Their tone is lacking or tense
  5. They have trouble sleeping, feeding, or eliminating.

If the labor was stressful, either too long or too fast this can leave the baby with alignment issues.

Why is this important?

Fascia is connective tissue that unites skin to the underlying tissues. Fascia also surrounds and separates many of the muscles, and sometimes holds them together. Ligaments are bands of tissue that bind bones together or support organs. The head is made up of a number of bony plates. Ligaments hold the bones of the head in position. Fascia connects skin to the bones of the head, connects the bones to the Dura mater covering the brain and spinal cord, and surrounds other structures in the face and head. The hard palate is formed by two palatal bones, and the soft palate is muscle covered by mucous membrane. Because of connective tissues such as ligaments and fascia, the structure and alignment of the palate are influenced by the alignment of the other skull bones.

If there is miss alignment and imbalance of the skull bones, this can affect the function of the palate, tongue, and other structures of the head. This can cause the palate to be too high or uneven, and the facial muscles to be too tight. Imbalance of the structures of the head, as well as trauma from the birth process itself, can cause constant irritation to the nervous system. This constant irritation may also cause hypersensitivity, which can sometimes be the underlying cause for babies who gag and can not accept anything in the center or back of the mouth. This creates a shallow latch that can hurt mom and have an effect on her milk supply. Any misalignment in the body can create feeding, sleeping, and digestion issues. A baby who is not comfortable in their body may cry more and have trouble relaxing. The following is a session with a baby focused on Craniosacral Therapy.

Peggy can come to your home, or you can come to one of her offices for a private consultation. She is an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant,  IBCLC. She is also a Registered Craniosacral Therapist with the Biodynamic Craniosacral Association of North America. RCST.