
Trauma Healing for Adults

Peggy employs the awareness of body sensation to help her clients “renegotiate” and heal their traumas rather than relive them. With appropriate guidance and the body’s instinctive “felt sense,” individuals are able to access their own built-in immunity to trauma, allowing the highly aroused survival energies to be safely and gradually discharged. When these energies are discharged, people frequently experience a disappearance or dramatic reduction of their traumatic symptoms. The symptoms of trauma are the result of highly activated incomplete biological responses to threat, frozen in time By enabling this frozen response to thaw, then complete, trauma can be healed.

Some Known Causes of Trauma

  • Stressful or abusive relationships
  • Traumatic Birth or prenatal trauma
  • Childhood abuse, neglect, or abandonment
  • Car accidents
  • Medical procedures, hospitalization
  • Falls

Common Signs in Adults of Early Trauma

All of us have experienced early stress or trauma to one degree or another. Unresolved early trauma can significantly interfere with current daily life. As more recent traumatic events occur, they layer on top of our earliest imprinting. In fact, our ability to recover from traumatic events as older children and adults is dependent on our resiliency or lack of it due to our earliest traumatic imprinting. The following is a list of symptoms you may develop if you have endured early trauma.

  • Difficulty in forming and maintaining a healthy primary relationship with a partner
  • Aggression manifested as acting out, destructive or criminal behavior
  • Excessive timidity in everyday life
  • Inappropriate flight or fight response to non-threatening circumstances
  • Difficulty mobilizing effectively in the face of real aggression or danger
  • Difficulty in setting healthy limits and boundaries, saying “no” when appropriate
  • Difficulty in responding empathetically to others
  • Confusion, difficulty making decisions
  • Self-destructive behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse, physical mutilation, over or under eating
  • Excessive risk-taking, dangerous driving, disregarding the safety of others
  • Difficulty setting appropriate goals and working toward them.
  • Inability to successfully establish oneself in the world as an independent adult